Paw Kit 2Go

This is the one bag to keep you and your pet organized when on the GO!

Life is busy and the time you have to spend and relax with your pet(s) needs to be Full of fun and organized! The Paw Kit 2Go is your new daily bag, and the answer for you and your pets needs and comfort!

Paw Kit 2Go

The Paw Kit 2 Go is created and designed by Nancy Page. Born in the Midwestern part of the United States. Nancy has had pets in her life from birth. Everything from dogs to fish. Her career in retail has taught her exceptional customer service and enhanced her business and leadership skills.

Nancy has a BS in Clothing Textiles in Business with an Associate in Marketing and Design. Her passion for sewing assisted with the beginning creation of the Paw Kit 2Go!

Always traveling and on the go, Nancy and her pets – two Shephard mixes Gus & Lucy, went with her everywhere. It became obvious the organization of her dog’s needs when traveling and at home, needed a new direction. Through several attempts to create just the right bag, she finally ended up with the Paw Kit 2Go!

The Patented Week Away Bag

Finally a bag made for ALL dogs— regardless of size! ⁠

Paw Kit 2Go

Nancy enjoys the outdoors from the mountains to the ocean. Her hobbies include sewing, crafts, and interior design.

  • How the Paw Kit 2Go got its name and branding: As a child, Nancy’s father would arrive home with a treat for her in his shirt pocket.  One night when trying to think what to name her new design the word Pocket / “Paw Kit 2Go” came to her mind.  That was the final touch needed to complete this product and so the Paw Kit 2Go was born.